Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Quick update

Hello everyone,

Sorry for not updating since September of last year. :| Whoops. 

I promise I'll do a write up for the Unfinished Working Taokaka claws before the year is out. I'm still working on finishing up Aang's staff. :p I should have that finished sometime this year, as I hope to put it to use at Katsucon next year! I've already have plans for a Saint's Row costume for MAGfest and maybe even a Kellam costume for some con. I am also working on Ivy's whip sword from Soul Calibur for a friend.

Adam Savage said it best when he said that a deadline is a great motivator! Until then and for more frequent updates, check out my new tumblr page! I'll still be making posts here for finished projects! Late-tars.